Friday, June 12, 2009

Can You See The Spider

Earlier today I decided to take some photos of the garden and as usual ended up at my little pond in motion (because it is not quite finished although happily inhabited).

I took a few photos with my little digital camera of my fish visiting with me. You can clearly see the mosquito fishes in this one and also some of my koi. What I thought was ripples in the water in in fact .... a spiderweb. Can you see the spider? So here is another mosquito and bug predator.
Update: my raspberry experiment, the plant has now begun to ramble through the hibiscus plants that are close to it. Still waiting to see if I will get any fruit from it this year. My carrots that survived the ant raid are doing well. My beans have taken off since we had some rain.
My taro is showing promise, my yams have sprouted, and the sweet potatoes are making a comeback. My pineapples have fruit, so I should be eating pineapples IF I beat the two legged predators and the raccoons to them.
I am restructuring the garden because of the big losses suffered this past winter and I am moving my more tropical plants to the south side hoping that if we get as cold this coming winter my survival rate will be better. Continuing work on my edging of the beds. Need lots of mulch and composted manure to give a good start to the beds. The grass is as virulent as ever growing oh so much faster than my plants. Digging away as always................


  1. Your organic garden sounds amazing. I bet it's peaceful looking out at your pond these days.

  2. So where did the mosquito fish come from? I think I could use some.

  3. Sue:
    My son brought them for me. They are prolific breeders. If you are close to me you can have some.
