Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Once upon a Lawn

I have always wanted my own home. Not a rented or shared apartment, not a rented or shared house, my own home, my castle. I had visions of what it would be....a family home, where my children and my grandchildren could create memories that they would long remember, where family could visit and be comfortable, without someone dictating who could visit and how long they could stay. It was a vision.

My family grew, went to schools: elementary, secondary, college, grad school.....still being a tenant, always at the dictation of a landlord. Then 2002 rolled around and I was able to purchase .49 of an acre in Florida to build my own home. It was during the building boom so it cost a lot more than it should have. Also, the builders way of preparing for building was totally destructive to wildlife. My request for a stand of oaks that I wanted to remain was ignored and every blade of grass, every tree was torn out.

The house was built and then came the lawn....huge lawn. Mixed in that sod was a type of grass known as devil grass. Broke every mower and weedwhacker of my neighbors who tried to help me keep it under control. Huge fine by the code enforcement for tall weeds and grass. The grass is straight from the devil.

My solution is: dig the darned lawn out completely and plant a bio-intensive landscape that will provide food for the mouth and mind for both myself and the wildlife that I love.

This is a recording of my journey to freedom from the slavery of the lawnmower, and my journey towards sustainability.


  1. Hi Florence, my name is Dessa and I found you through the Hillbilly Herbalism group. I think you have the start of a wonderful blog and I will be checking back to see what you are up to. Come visit me if you like at

  2. Dessa:
    I have been called that too, but my most recent misnomers are "Jungle Lady and Crazy Lady". Well I would think I was crazy too if I am seen out at night with a flashlight looking at plants :) That is when I am searching for cutworms on my plants as I use absolutely no chemicals on my property.
